
Showing posts with the label pakistan red list

Is Pakistan On The Red List? Updated 2021 2022

  Is Pakistan On The Red List?  Pakistan has been in the red list for quite some time now starting 2021. Most countries like UK, Australia, Canada, united states have termed Pakistan to stay on the red list until further update. According to WHO, Pakistan was declared on the red list for traveling. It was decided upon rising cases of covid in Pakistan. The World Health Organization has clearly indicated that all countries with over 30 percent covid symptoms are not advised for travelling. Pakistan Red List Update Pakistan is on a surge of increasing risk of corona virus and different variants such as delta and alpha. The chances of getting Pakistan to the amber list is still under consideration.  Here are few countries that has imposed traveling ban from pakistan as putting it in red list 2021 United Kingdom (UK) United States (USA)  Canada Australia Germany France However, Pakistan red list uk is still considering to put Pakistan back into amber list instead of Paki...