HEC Degree Attestation, HEC Degree Verification

How to Apply For Degree Attestation From HEC? you can apply for hec degree attestation by submitting your original degree to hec Pakistan. your degree can also be attested by applying through HEC eportal or HEC login. in order to register your request for HEC degree or higher certificate verification, you can apply here for HEC Online Attestation. Requirements Original Degree Application Request Form Intermediate And Matric Certificate University Transcripts Payment Receipt of HEC Fees you can apply here for HEC Degree Attestation or Contact . What is HEC? HEC Means Higher Education Commission. HEC itself is a short abbreviation for Higher Education Commission. HEC in Pakistan relates to attestation or verification of your higher education degree or certificate. Where is HEC in Pakistan? Higher Education Of Pakistan is located in the capital city of Pakistan known as Islamabad. Islamabad is the attestation hub of all educational and embassy attestation services in Pak...